In 2011 my work on moral socialisation started as part of the new Department of Psychology, Education and Child Studies (DPECS) at Erasmus University Rotterdam. Most empirical studies are conducted in the context of the large cohort study Generation R that follows about 10.000 families in Rotterdam from a few months after conception to adulthood. Central aim is to promote altruism and empathic concern in children through the study of their moral development and how parents and the wider social environment influences children’s development. See attached papers below for a theoretical framework and some empirical data.
Attachment: Van IJzendoorn 1997 Attachment, Morality and Aggression, pdf file
Attachment: Van IJzendoorn et al. 2010 Journal of Moral Education, Situational Morality, pdf file
Attachment: Van IJzendoorn et al. 2011 Frontiers in Psychology, Oxytocin and donating, pdf file